Monday, December 14, 2009

Worth Reading! Worth Sharing! Worth Implementing!

If there is one book worth reading, one book worth sharing and one book worth implementing this month and in 2010, it is: What Matters Now by Seth Godin! More than 70 extraordinary authors and thinkers contributed to this ebook.

The results you will receive will be REMARKABLE! However, the person you become in the process will be the greatest value you get. So go ahead, download What Matters Now for free, and don't forget to share it just like I'm sharing it with you!

Thanks for reading! Thanks for downloading! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for make a difference!

Here's to What Matters!
Mikhail Baynes

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Greatest Work Ever!

This philosophy has transformed my life for the better, I believe it will do the same for you if you take it to heart. It was echoed through my soul when I first heard it from my all time favourite mentor, The World Foremost Business Philosopher, The Great Jim Rohn (17 September, 1930 to 5 December, 2009). He said, "Work harder on yourself than you do anything else. Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job, you will make a living. If you work harder on yourself, you will make a fortune."

It's about being better this month, than last month. Being better today than you were yesterday. Being better this hour than you were last hour. It's all about continuous improvement because direction determines destination. Who you are becoming (direction) shapes what you get (destination). As Jim would say, "The major value in life is not what you get, that's the minor value. The major value is who you are becoming." And that's worth thinking about! Who are you becoming? What direction are you heading? Is it to the destination you desire to be at? If not, change. Change your thoughts, change your choices, change your language, and change your habits. With that you will change your life.

Decide and commit to transforming your life for the better. Doing the greatest work in the world, working on yourself daily because if you will change, everything will change for you. If you will get better, everything will get better for you. It's not about being a better somebody else, it's about being a better you. I can assure you it's one of the greatest feeling in the world. It lets you sleep like a baby when the night comes.

Here's to life change for the better, to working on self so that we can become a person of attraction that success will want to invite in at her dinner table!

Thanks Jim Rohn for transforming my life for the better. Thanks for being here. For making a difference. And doing work that matters.

Here's to Greatest Work in the World!
Mikhail Baynes

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Greatest Business Principle Ever

Have you ever been asked what's the function of a business? If not, then I'm asking you, "What's the function of a business?" I'm sure many of you said to make profits which is exactly what I said when I was first asked. Well, that's absolutely wrong!

The function of a business is not to make profits, that's the goal of a business. The function of a business is "to get and keep customers." You probably wondering, now why is that the greatest business principle ever. It's greatest business principle ever because if you get the function and the goal confused you go out of business. If you focus on making money, you don't make money. Hence, the reason 95 percent of businesses fail in their first year. However, if you focus on getting and keeping customer, you indirectly make money. By focusing on getting and keeping customers, the goal of the business automatically becomes a byproduct and you make money.

What's the main function of a CEO? To be the leader of the company and ensure that achieves its objectives. It's to get and keep customers! What's the function of a receptionist? To answer the phones and take messages. It's to get and keep customers! What's the function of the accounting department? To ensure the company keeps a positive cashflow. It's to get and keep customers! Now don't get me wrong, all those secondary functions are important. However, by creating a culture that focuses on getting and keeping customers, we hit our goal of the business that is to make profits.

I have seen in my experiences of being in business for the past 5 years, where we gave back customers their money- thousands of dollars! We may have been correct, however, sometimes in order to win the war, we got to lose the battle. It's better to have a positive, memorable experience with your customer where they go spreading that story of joy. In doing so, they bring 10 to probably 100 new customers because of that incident. Remember, that each person knows personally and has a reasonable relationship with 250 persons. When you lost a sale to one person, it's not just one person by them telling their network of friends you lost a sale to probably 250 persons. That's worth thinking about!

The function of a business is not to make profits, that's the goal of a business. The function of a business is to get and keep customers. Here's to building that culture in your business.

Here's To Your Success,
Mikhail Baynes

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Are You Clear? Crystal!

"Are we clear? Yes, Sir. Are we clear? Crystal!", the classic line from the movie, A Few Good Men. Thus, I ask you, "Are You Clear?" Are you clear on your goals? Are you clear on your reasons? Are you clear on your plans? Because clarity brings success. When we are clear on your objectives, it allows us to focus on the results we are seeking and focus always precedes success.

My friend and category-creating Chief Marketing Officer, John Digles, is one of the best marketers around. This November, he won 4 major awards for his category-creating marketing strategies. One thing I can tell you about John by being mentored by him is that, he always deal with the specifics. Who are we looking to reach with our message? What's the story we want to convey? What's our objective? What are the strategies and tactics to achieve our objective?

I remember during my Faces of Caribbean Airlines campaign in August, we had a series of great days at the polls and then, it dropped one day. I mentioned this to John, and I will never forget his response. He said, "Mikhail, what's our target for today?" I thought he would show me some sympathy. However, that's how champions think and execute, they focus on their objectives and get clear on their reasons.

When you have vague goals with vague reasons, you get vague results. When you have vivid goals and you are crystal clear on your reasons, you receive remarkable results. We are approaching the end of 2009, with the beginning of 2010. Now is an excellence time to get clear on your goals and reasons for 2010, because success leaves clues and that's what the champions are doing at this time of the year.

I hope when I ask you in the near future, "Are You Clear?" Your response will be, "Crystal!"

Here's to Clarity,
Mikhail Baynes

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How Much Do You Care?

It is said by The World Foremost Business Philosopher, Jim Rohn, "The more you care, the stronger you are." There's truth to that statement. Earlier this week, I was in a meeting with a very successful young friend of mines and the question came up, "What's her greatest strength?" I pondered for a bit, and then I said it, "You genuinely care for people, that's your greatest strength. You genuinely care for people, by this I mean you have an sincere interest in people and when you give, you do it because you really care, not for what you can get."

When you look at the true successful entrepreneurs and bloggers, they genuinely care for readers, customers. For example, Seth Godin and Gary Vaynerchuk, these marketing icons that truly care about their readers not what they can get, but how they can contribute to their reader's lives so that it can be better. And because they care like that, they receive bountiful rewards. Another example, is my great friend and marketing mentor, Bob Burg. Bob's caring is almost God like, once he can do what's in his power to assist you regardless of what you can do for him, he does it. Once more, because of such caring, he receives a loyal following amongst his readers, clients, friends and all those who come in contact with him.

Here are the questions for all of us to answer:

"How much do you care?"
"Why do you care?"
"Is your caring genuine?"

I end with this quote from the Legend, Jim Rohn: "If you care at all, you get some results. If you care enough, you get incredible results."

Here's to Your Caring,
Mikhail Baynes

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Overnight Success!

Overnight Success, is there such a thing? When champions enter into the winner's circle, did it happen overnight? Sometimes, how the stories are told in the media it may appear that way. However, there's always a story behind the story.

To develop mastery in your chosen field, ask any top performer in your field and they will tell you that it took focused discipline over a period of time in mastering the basics to become a master at their craft. The countless hours on the golf course and basketball court to develop their skills, is one of the attributes that makes Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan the legends they have become. According to Malcolm Gladwell's best-selling book, Outliers, it normally takes 10,000 hours to develop mastery in your chosen field. Are you putting in the practice hours so that when game day comes for you, you will excel so that people will want to hear your story?

Legendary Inspirational Speakers, Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn, we are looking at decades of practice and working on their craft to deliver a speech that captures the attention and peaks the interest of their audience to inspire them to transform their lives. Few people see the hours of practice that make champions. However, they do see the spotlight, the fame and the glory. In order to receive the spotlight, the fame and glory, you got to put in the hours of practice and preparation, and develop the habits of champions.

Are you willing to pay the price of SUCCESS? Let's pay the price of success because it's far easier than paying the price of mediocrity!

Here's to Your Success,
Mikhail Baynes

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Online Video of the Faces of Caribbean Airlines Finale & Thank You!

This post is a bit overdue, however, I too do suffer from procrastination : ) It has been AMAZING journey and fun taking part in the Faces of Caribbean Airlines competition. I'll like to thank our committed supporters, our community and hard working marketing team because without you I wouldn't have been able to achieve what we did.

Thanks to my marketing mentors: Bestselling Co-Author of the Go-Giver, Bob Burg and to John Digles, Category-Creating CMO for believing in me. Special thanks to three of my great friends and business partners, Anderson Chester, Dominic Hackett and Dr. Amanda Jones for their support before and throughout the campaign. Thanks to my photographer, Ron Charles for those outstanding images that people keep talking about. My video editor, Lerone Daniel for the production that a lot of people liked. To my family and friends too numerous to mention for the support, you all are REMARKABLE.

It's timely to send this post out, as Caribbean Airlines just released the Faces of Caribbean Airlines Video for those of you that missed it and those of you that want to view the historic event once more. Check out the video, click here!

Here's to Our Award Winning Photo Click here!

It has been fun getting to know my fellow Faces of Caribbean Airlines (here's a picture of us, click here) because it's going to be outstanding and fun year ahead. Thanks to Pixie Du Coudray for co-coordinating an awesome competition, well done. Thanks to Caribbean Airlines for giving us the opportunity to represent your brand.

Live Great, Laugh Often, Love More and Lead Better. LIFE IS TO ENJOY!

Here's to a REMARKABLE Year!
Mikhail Baynes
Caribbean Airlines Ambassador
The Warmth of the Islands

Monday, August 17, 2009

How to Attract Greater Success in Your Life?

Have you ever wondered what makes a person, a super achiever? What makes them successful? There's one virtue that can use right now to attract more success in your life. It's used by super achievers all the time while unsuccessful persons behave like it doesn't exist. This virtue is one of gratitude and thanksgiving.

Yes, gratitude and thanksgiving opens up windows of opportunities to you. It's accurately stated by Zig Ziglar, “The more you recognize and express gratitude for the things you have, the more you will have to express gratitude for.” What are you grateful and thankful for? Who are you grateful and thankful for? I'm grateful and thankful for the many persons along the way that continue to guide me on the path to success: my family, friends and my foes : ) I truly grateful the people in my life that inspire me: my mom (my biggest fan), my mentor, Kenneth Barrington Thomas for introducing me to personal development and my chamber of rainmakers that challenge me to be best me possible. Certainly not least, to you my readers, to receive the stories of transformation in my inbox, on a phone call or when we meet in person! WOW!!! The stories really do inspire to constantly work on my craft so I give to you greater value. This is what I'm most grateful and thankful for.

Once more, what are you grateful and thankful for? I challenge to make a gratitude and thanksgiving list, and you will see your life and yourself transform to greater success.

Here's to Thanksgiving and Gratitude,
Mikhail Baynes

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Greatest Gift in the World to Give

What's the greatest gift you can give to someone? Some would say a car, a house, jewelery while others would say even millions of dollars. I heard from my mentor, Jim Rohn, the World Foremost Business Philosopher that the greatest gift you can give to someone is the gift of your own personal development.

Just imagine, what good you can do if you were 10 times stronger, 10 times wiser, 10 times better? Imagine what impact that will have on your family, friends, employees, church and your community? It's limitless what you can do when you become better. As Jim Rohn would say "If you will change, everything will change for you. If you will get better, everything will get better for you." When you positively influence a person's life by the person you become, you never know how much that gets multiplied and spreads, and spreads. It's truly amazing! You can affect the lifes of dozen of people, thousands and even millions.

It's all start with YOU. It's starts with you working harder on yourself that you do on anything else. It's start with committing to your own personal development. Jim used to say, "If you will take care of me, I will take care of you." He now says, "I will take care of me for you, if you will take care of you for me." WOW!!! What an amazing philosophy? Thus, the greatest gift you can give someone is your own personal development. When you give that gift you don't just bless the ones who receive it, you also bless yourself and many others.

Here's to Your Own Personal Development,
Mikhail Baynes

Friday, August 7, 2009

Are You Giving Your Best?

The person that wins in life, business and sports is the person with the most energy, most certainty and who give their absolute best. Are you giving your all to your dreams and goals? Are you giving your best in your daily disciplines? If not, why not? Discover the causes so that you can quickly change your effects in your life.

Here's a video that shows the possibilities when you give your best:

Give your best to your dreams and goals, go all in even then there is great adversity and you'll see your future transform to that which you can only imagine now.

Here's to Your Best,
Mikhail Baynes

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Questions Worth Asking!

Here are some questions that have transformed my life for the better, so I sharing it with you today:

What am I passionate about?

What makes my heart sings?

What am I great at doing that others find difficult to do?

What I like most about myself?

What will I do if I knew I couldn't fail?

What kind of person must I become to attract all I want?

If there's one thing I accomplish in life, what will it be?

If I could visit one country in the world, what will it be?

If I could meet one of my role models, who will it be?

What kind of legacy do I want to build and leave behind?

What's the brand of me?

Questions stir our imagination and, imagination plus inspiration, miracles occur. Write down the answers to these questions, and you if you are committed to the answers you will see your life transform.

Let's Go Create Miracles,
Mikhail Baynes

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Where's Your Faith?

Do you have faith? Do you have faith in your product or service? Do you have faith in your company? Most importantly, do you have faith in yourself? Faith is where you begin to write the success story of your product, your company and most of all, your life.

It's easy to be joyful when things are going well, anyone can do that. However, the champions, the successful are the ones that keep the faith when that's all they have to hold on to. Is it easy? No, it is not. However, I can tell you it's definitely worth it. Is it worth it when you finally get to live out your dreams? Is it worth it when you finally get to tick of that goal that you has always longed for? You probably thinking, how do I keep my faith strong?

Here's what has worked for me: one word, REASONS. I remember my reasons for my dreams, the reasons I set my goals. I review my reasons several times a day. What are your reasons? Why are you going to college? Why are you getting married? Why are you having children? Why are you starting your business? Why are you pursuing that career? You better have your reasons, else just like a car with no fuel, you will shut down on your journey to your goals and dreams. Again, I ask you what are you reasons?

I encourage you to write down your reasons for your goals and dreams, and review them several times a day. If that's not worth doing, then you aren't worthy of receiving accomplish your goals and dreams. As you go towards your dreams, you dreams go towards you. Decide and commit to developing strong reasons and you will see your faith strengthen and your dreams become reality.

Watch the video of Legendary Basketball Player, Michael Jordon and listen to his words to his coach Phil Jackson. That's what makes champions.

Here's to the Growth of Your Faith,
Mikhail Baynes

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Deal with Failure?

Most people dread failure, are you one of those persons? How do you feel when you fail? Terrible, isn't it? I use to dread failure, now I know how to deal with failure to propel me towards success. I'll like to share with you the insights to overcome failure.

Life is about perception and perception is reality. If you can change your perception on something, you can arrive at a totally different destination. For example, if you change your perception on how you use your money. Let's take the perception of the poor, the poor spend their money and invest what's left which is usually zero. While the rich, invest their money and spend what's left. The question is, "What's your perception of failure?" Is it positive or negative?

My perception about 5 years ago about failure was all negative because I used my failures to beat up on myself instead of deriving from it the valuable lesson failure had to offer. As Denis Waitley says, "Failure is an event, not a person." Anytime you failed, look to receive the wisdom failure bestows. Once, you have your perception changed, it's now time to learn a technique to build on your positive perception of failure.

Three questions that will give you the wisdom that failure bestows:

1) What did I do right in that situation?
2) What will I do differently next time when I am in a similar situation?
3) Did I learn my lesson?

Once, you answered those 3 questions, you are ready to turn failure into success. Remember, the faster you fail, the more and quicker you learn. The more and quicker you learn, the better your position for success. Failure and success are intertwined, you can't have one without the other.

Here's to Failure and Success,
Mikhail Baynes

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What it takes to WIN?

There's something about winning that makes you smile. There's something about winning that gives you joy. There's something about winning gives you life. Do you like to win? Do you want to win more often? Do you want to be a winner? Then, read on.

I often wondered what makes a winner? Why do some teams become a dynasty? Why do some entrepreneurs dominate their niches? After over 18 years of research, Dr. David Cook, discovered 3 predictors for success:

Passion: Winners have an absolute love for what they do. That's why they dig a little deeper, go a little longer and fight a lot harder. Passion fuels us toward our goal. Do you have PASSION?

Focus: The reason why most men fail in life is because of BROKEN FOCUS. Focus is what we look at. Do you focus on the problem or the solutions? What do you feel winners focus on? You are correct, the solutions.

Mental Toughness: It's a choice. Mental Toughness is the ability to perform at the highest level despite the circumstances. Winners perform their best when it matters most. Do you want to perform your best when it matters most?

Develop these 3 predictors of success: Passion, Focus and Mental Toughness, and see yourself transform into a Champion!

Here's to WINNING,
Mikhail Baynes

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Do You Have the Foundation of Success?

Have you ever wonder where does success begins? What's the foundation of success, like the foundation of a building? Are you ready for it? COMMITMENT!!! That's it, Commitment.

Are you interested in your success? Or, are you committed in your success? Most people are interested in their success. Few people are committed to their success. How do I know that? Just observe people. Most people whine, complain, make excuses and blame rather than take responsibility for their actions and their lives. So a good question to ask yourself often, "Am I taking responsibility for my actions and life? Am I committed to my success?"

Your commitment shows when there is harmony, congruence with your words and actions. There's no disconnect. You can't end up in the west if you are heading east, that's absurd. However, when we observe most people talk and walk it like that. A lot of people want happiness, success, and financial independence. No, I should say a lot of people are interested in happiness, success and financial independence. As Jim Rohn says, "When you know what you want, and you want it something bad enough, you will find a way to get it." In order words, what he is saying is when you are committed, you will find a way to get it. The question is, "Are you committed to your success?"

I'll close with words that inspire me when I feel like breaking my commitment to my success. The words of W.H. Murray from The Scottish Himalayan Expedition, "Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness... The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves also."

I encourage you to make the commitment to your success and have Providence on your side, and you'll be amazed as your world transforms.

Here's to The Committed,
Mikhail Baynes

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Secret to Life

Being a social scientist, I usually ask people, "What do you really want?" Most people's response is that they don't know. I feel they response like that because of those questions we usually ask ourselves, "Am I good enough?" or "Am I worthy?" However, about 5 years ago I heard my late mentor, Bob Schmidt, ask the question that unleashes the secret to life. It goes like this, "What would YOU do if you knew you couldn't fail?"

WOW! What that question removes those questions of doubt and fear. Dr. Robert Schuller was the man penned that question so I ask you once more, "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? What is the one thing that makes your heart sing?" Here's a video that sums up the Secret to Life:

I do hope for you that you discover that one thing that makes your heart sing. For when you do, your life will never be the same.

Here's to Your One Thing,
Mikhail Baynes

Friday, July 10, 2009

Becoming a Person of Presence!

Do you know anyone who have PRESENCE? They just walk into a room, and they command the attention of everyone, heads turn and the question is asked,"Who is that person?" Don't YOU want to be that person? A person of influence and affluence, a person of PRESENCE, if so read on.

I remember when I met my first mentor, Kenneth Barrington Thomas, when he did a speech at my high school. I remember asking that question, "Who's that man?" I also remember saying to myself, "I want to be like that man. I want to do what he does, I want to command such a presence." The question is how do you become a person like that? Everyone that has such command of their audience, there are two words they live: PASSION and PURPOSE. That's it, if you want to become a person of INFLUENCE, live your life with passion and purpose.

Passionate persons, they just seem to have the energy to do the impossible, the remarkable. How come? Because they LOVE what they do, it makes their heart sing. It doesn't feel like they are working. When they work or play, you aren't able to tell the difference. Passionate people, they are full of energy, they share theirs with you. Most people are energy drainers, passionate people are energy givers. Don't you like being around people that give you energy? So what makes your heart sing? What do you love doing? What would you do even if you weren't being paid for it? Discover your passion and share it with the world, and see your life transform.

People of passion usually have a purpose behind it. It is said by the Legendary Business Philosophier, Jim Rohn, that "Purpose is greater than object." What's the purpose behind your goals? What does your vision mean to you? Human beings we strive for meaning into our lives. Meaning is the step before action. It's the whys that drives the hows. Share your purpose with others, and you will find that those who belive in you willing to help you achieve that purpose. Give purpose to life and see the remarkable happen.

These are the two primary reasons to me to become a person of Presence: PASSION and PURPOSE. Discover yours TODAY!

Here's to Your PRESENCE!
Mikhail Baynes

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What do people want?

Have you ever asked yourself what people want? Having the answer to this question can make you a remarkable connector, communicator and leader. Is that of interest to you? In my opinion, what people want can be described in two words and summed up in one. People want to know that people CARE for them and also that others want to HELP them become successful. Wouldn't you want that for yourself?

I quote two of the legends in the Personal Development Industry: "If you care at all, you can get some results. If you care enough, you can get incredible results.", said the World Renowned Business Philosopher, Jim Rohn. What do you want: some results or INCREDIBLE RESULTS? If incredible results, then take a genuine care in people. For it is not what you get that's the major value, it's who you will become in the process that matters most. The next legend I quote, the Great Zig Ziglar says that, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want." Do you genuinely help people or you do it just to get something in return? What are your motives? People pick up your intentions. If not now, they soon will. If you genuinely care and help other people, you will have a successful and meaningful effect in your life. You reap that what you sow, and soon people will want to do the same for you as you did for them. Isn't life AMAZING?

So, what one word sums up, care and help? You guessed it right, LOVE! We all want to experience genuine love. FOR LOVE IS THE ANSWER. Let's do unto others like we would like done unto us. Let's care for other people. Let's genuinely help other people become successful. Let's LOVE one another and you WILL see your world transformed.

Let's do something REMARKABLE,
Here's to the Best Six Months Yet,
Mikhail Baynes
