Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Deal with Failure?

Most people dread failure, are you one of those persons? How do you feel when you fail? Terrible, isn't it? I use to dread failure, now I know how to deal with failure to propel me towards success. I'll like to share with you the insights to overcome failure.

Life is about perception and perception is reality. If you can change your perception on something, you can arrive at a totally different destination. For example, if you change your perception on how you use your money. Let's take the perception of the poor, the poor spend their money and invest what's left which is usually zero. While the rich, invest their money and spend what's left. The question is, "What's your perception of failure?" Is it positive or negative?

My perception about 5 years ago about failure was all negative because I used my failures to beat up on myself instead of deriving from it the valuable lesson failure had to offer. As Denis Waitley says, "Failure is an event, not a person." Anytime you failed, look to receive the wisdom failure bestows. Once, you have your perception changed, it's now time to learn a technique to build on your positive perception of failure.

Three questions that will give you the wisdom that failure bestows:

1) What did I do right in that situation?
2) What will I do differently next time when I am in a similar situation?
3) Did I learn my lesson?

Once, you answered those 3 questions, you are ready to turn failure into success. Remember, the faster you fail, the more and quicker you learn. The more and quicker you learn, the better your position for success. Failure and success are intertwined, you can't have one without the other.

Here's to Failure and Success,
Mikhail Baynes

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What it takes to WIN?

There's something about winning that makes you smile. There's something about winning that gives you joy. There's something about winning gives you life. Do you like to win? Do you want to win more often? Do you want to be a winner? Then, read on.

I often wondered what makes a winner? Why do some teams become a dynasty? Why do some entrepreneurs dominate their niches? After over 18 years of research, Dr. David Cook, discovered 3 predictors for success:

Passion: Winners have an absolute love for what they do. That's why they dig a little deeper, go a little longer and fight a lot harder. Passion fuels us toward our goal. Do you have PASSION?

Focus: The reason why most men fail in life is because of BROKEN FOCUS. Focus is what we look at. Do you focus on the problem or the solutions? What do you feel winners focus on? You are correct, the solutions.

Mental Toughness: It's a choice. Mental Toughness is the ability to perform at the highest level despite the circumstances. Winners perform their best when it matters most. Do you want to perform your best when it matters most?

Develop these 3 predictors of success: Passion, Focus and Mental Toughness, and see yourself transform into a Champion!

Here's to WINNING,
Mikhail Baynes

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Do You Have the Foundation of Success?

Have you ever wonder where does success begins? What's the foundation of success, like the foundation of a building? Are you ready for it? COMMITMENT!!! That's it, Commitment.

Are you interested in your success? Or, are you committed in your success? Most people are interested in their success. Few people are committed to their success. How do I know that? Just observe people. Most people whine, complain, make excuses and blame rather than take responsibility for their actions and their lives. So a good question to ask yourself often, "Am I taking responsibility for my actions and life? Am I committed to my success?"

Your commitment shows when there is harmony, congruence with your words and actions. There's no disconnect. You can't end up in the west if you are heading east, that's absurd. However, when we observe most people talk and walk it like that. A lot of people want happiness, success, and financial independence. No, I should say a lot of people are interested in happiness, success and financial independence. As Jim Rohn says, "When you know what you want, and you want it something bad enough, you will find a way to get it." In order words, what he is saying is when you are committed, you will find a way to get it. The question is, "Are you committed to your success?"

I'll close with words that inspire me when I feel like breaking my commitment to my success. The words of W.H. Murray from The Scottish Himalayan Expedition, "Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness... The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves also."

I encourage you to make the commitment to your success and have Providence on your side, and you'll be amazed as your world transforms.

Here's to The Committed,
Mikhail Baynes

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Secret to Life

Being a social scientist, I usually ask people, "What do you really want?" Most people's response is that they don't know. I feel they response like that because of those questions we usually ask ourselves, "Am I good enough?" or "Am I worthy?" However, about 5 years ago I heard my late mentor, Bob Schmidt, ask the question that unleashes the secret to life. It goes like this, "What would YOU do if you knew you couldn't fail?"

WOW! What that question removes those questions of doubt and fear. Dr. Robert Schuller was the man penned that question so I ask you once more, "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? What is the one thing that makes your heart sing?" Here's a video that sums up the Secret to Life:

I do hope for you that you discover that one thing that makes your heart sing. For when you do, your life will never be the same.

Here's to Your One Thing,
Mikhail Baynes

Friday, July 10, 2009

Becoming a Person of Presence!

Do you know anyone who have PRESENCE? They just walk into a room, and they command the attention of everyone, heads turn and the question is asked,"Who is that person?" Don't YOU want to be that person? A person of influence and affluence, a person of PRESENCE, if so read on.

I remember when I met my first mentor, Kenneth Barrington Thomas, when he did a speech at my high school. I remember asking that question, "Who's that man?" I also remember saying to myself, "I want to be like that man. I want to do what he does, I want to command such a presence." The question is how do you become a person like that? Everyone that has such command of their audience, there are two words they live: PASSION and PURPOSE. That's it, if you want to become a person of INFLUENCE, live your life with passion and purpose.

Passionate persons, they just seem to have the energy to do the impossible, the remarkable. How come? Because they LOVE what they do, it makes their heart sing. It doesn't feel like they are working. When they work or play, you aren't able to tell the difference. Passionate people, they are full of energy, they share theirs with you. Most people are energy drainers, passionate people are energy givers. Don't you like being around people that give you energy? So what makes your heart sing? What do you love doing? What would you do even if you weren't being paid for it? Discover your passion and share it with the world, and see your life transform.

People of passion usually have a purpose behind it. It is said by the Legendary Business Philosophier, Jim Rohn, that "Purpose is greater than object." What's the purpose behind your goals? What does your vision mean to you? Human beings we strive for meaning into our lives. Meaning is the step before action. It's the whys that drives the hows. Share your purpose with others, and you will find that those who belive in you willing to help you achieve that purpose. Give purpose to life and see the remarkable happen.

These are the two primary reasons to me to become a person of Presence: PASSION and PURPOSE. Discover yours TODAY!

Here's to Your PRESENCE!
Mikhail Baynes

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What do people want?

Have you ever asked yourself what people want? Having the answer to this question can make you a remarkable connector, communicator and leader. Is that of interest to you? In my opinion, what people want can be described in two words and summed up in one. People want to know that people CARE for them and also that others want to HELP them become successful. Wouldn't you want that for yourself?

I quote two of the legends in the Personal Development Industry: "If you care at all, you can get some results. If you care enough, you can get incredible results.", said the World Renowned Business Philosopher, Jim Rohn. What do you want: some results or INCREDIBLE RESULTS? If incredible results, then take a genuine care in people. For it is not what you get that's the major value, it's who you will become in the process that matters most. The next legend I quote, the Great Zig Ziglar says that, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want." Do you genuinely help people or you do it just to get something in return? What are your motives? People pick up your intentions. If not now, they soon will. If you genuinely care and help other people, you will have a successful and meaningful effect in your life. You reap that what you sow, and soon people will want to do the same for you as you did for them. Isn't life AMAZING?

So, what one word sums up, care and help? You guessed it right, LOVE! We all want to experience genuine love. FOR LOVE IS THE ANSWER. Let's do unto others like we would like done unto us. Let's care for other people. Let's genuinely help other people become successful. Let's LOVE one another and you WILL see your world transformed.

Let's do something REMARKABLE,
Here's to the Best Six Months Yet,
Mikhail Baynes
