Have you ever wondered what makes a person, a super achiever? What makes them successful? There's one virtue that can use right now to attract more success in your life. It's used by super achievers all the time while unsuccessful persons behave like it doesn't exist. This virtue is one of gratitude and thanksgiving.
Yes, gratitude and thanksgiving opens up windows of opportunities to you. It's accurately stated by Zig Ziglar, “The more you recognize and express gratitude for the things you have, the more you will have to express gratitude for.” What are you grateful and thankful for? Who are you grateful and thankful for? I'm grateful and thankful for the many persons along the way that continue to guide me on the path to success: my family, friends and my foes : ) I truly grateful the people in my life that inspire me: my mom (my biggest fan), my mentor, Kenneth Barrington Thomas for introducing me to personal development and my chamber of rainmakers that challenge me to be best me possible. Certainly not least, to you my readers, to receive the stories of transformation in my inbox, on a phone call or when we meet in person! WOW!!! The stories really do inspire to constantly work on my craft so I give to you greater value. This is what I'm most grateful and thankful for.
Once more, what are you grateful and thankful for? I challenge to make a gratitude and thanksgiving list, and you will see your life and yourself transform to greater success.
Here's to Thanksgiving and Gratitude,
Mikhail Baynes